Hi-five 4 happy kids offers an impeccably tailored atmosphere conducive to fun and safety for infants, children, and teens, allowing you to revel in tranquility. From individual hotel-room sitting services to managing groups of 100 or more, our Event Sitters guarantee an experience that is both memorable and unparalleled.
- 1 craft per child
- Snacks
- Limited Services
- Qualified caregivers
- 2 Hours
- Individual Baby Advice
- Set up and break down
- Qualified caregivers
- Dinner, snacks, and a beverage for each child
- Face painting
- Games, toys
- Group activities
- 2 crafts per child
- Animal stuffing station
- 1 theme and favor box
- Set up and break down
- Qualified caregivers
- Professional face painting
- Games, toys
- 2 crafts per child
- Dinners, snacks and a beverage for each child
- 1 favor box
- 1 craft per child
- Snacks
- Limited Services
- Qualified caregivers for up to 2 hours of pre-ceremony until the end of the wedding ceremony.
A flexible option where parents pay a booking fee individually for their children services, with a 3- hour minimum.
Enhance event attendance and parent experience with childcare that includes
entertainment, structured activities, and off-site excursions for school-aged children.
Ensure kids are supervised and safe during the event, including bus travel between
venues, with our professional staff.
We provide 24-hour in-room childcare at select hotels, including certified lifeguards for
pool time and our unique Babysitter-in-a-Box for engaging activities.